5 Easy Ways you can give to Central United Church, Port Colborne

1. Online giving is fast and secure. Simply click on the button below and you will be redirected to our secure online donation form with CanadaHelps.

2. PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance): Pre-Authorized Remittance or PAR is the simplest way to donate! PAR is a “direct debit” program that allows you to support our church through automatic monthly withdrawals from your bank account. Please contact the church office to get set up!

3. Offering Envelopes: You may request offering envelopes that you can use to put your offering in during the worship service. Offering envelopes help to ensure that your tax receipt will include all of your offerings. Please make any cheques payable to St Paul’s United Church

4. Pew Envelopes: You will find individual envelopes in the pocket of the pew in front of you on Sunday Mornings. Be sure to write your name and address on the pew envelope, so a tax receipt can be  provided at year-end.  Please make any cheques payable to Central United Church

5. By Mail: 30 Delhi Street, Port Colborne, ON, L3K 3K6
Please make any cheques payable to Cenral United Church


  • Cntral United Church is a registered Canadian charity 

  • All offerings are eligible for a tax receipt.

  • Tax receipts are issued for the total of offerings received in the year and mailed to donors at the end of January of the following year.