Choir work is a means of public worship. It brings God to us and us to God. God created music. Music has the power to remind us of the love and care of God. When we hear it, we are assured of our rest and peace in Him. One of the most direct ways into our inner lives is the way of music. The congregation is proud of the members of our choirs who are so dedicated to our worship here at Central United. For more details on these groups or any other activities at Central United Church please check our Google Calendar, contact the church office at 905-834-4533 or use the Contact Page.

Adult Choir
Rehearsals on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Please consider being a part of this dedicated group. No auditions-just a love for music and singing is required!
Youth Choir
Rehearsals begin at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays. Parents are encouraged to bring their children ages 5 to 11 to have fun with music and friends. This choir sings in the Sunday service twice a month. The choir rehearses every other week.
Teen Choir
The Teen Choir is highly respected for the youthful spirit, singing, and message through song. These young people are a credit to our church family, and their dedication throughout the services is commendable. Teen Choir will sing once a month. Rehearsals are 8:45 a.m. before the morning service.
Please encourage your child, grandchild or a friend to join this group of students ages ten thru teens.
Handbell Choir
New since spring of 2017, and new members are welcome to join. Practices are held monthly on Wednesdays, 7:00p.m. – 8:15 p.m. Please consider trying it!!